海外発送に関して-international shipping-
We will arrange international delivery via EMS. Buyer have to pay shipping fee according to your purchase.
我们将通过EMS安排交货 买方必须根据您的购买支付运输费
After check out , We will tell you shipping fee.
if you need quot of shipping fee before check out we are happy to tell you.
退房后,我们将告诉您运费 如果您需要运输费用的报价,我们很乐意发送给您
お問合せは info@nurse-wear.com またはフォームよりお願い致します。
If you have any question, please ask by E-mail: info@nurse-wear.com or inquiry.
How to change your Cart in English.

After change language you can see below.

please proceed to check out.